Responsible: Salikhov, Burlakov
According to Slidstvo.Info, in March 2023 judge Kovhanych was stopped by the patrol police for speeding. The judge immediately informed them of his status of a judge and started instructing the police how they should hold their TruCams correctly. When they started drawing up a report on an administrative violation, Kovhanych started threatening them with civil lawsuits and recovering moral damages from them personally.
After a conversation where the judge was threatening the police, Kovhanych ignored the police’s instructions that he had to stay in place and drove off, running over a police officer’s foot.
The patrol officers started pursuing Kovhanych’s vehicle and eventually stopped him. Due to his failure to comply with police instructions, the judge was informed that he was being detained. Kovhanych voluntarily exited the vehicle and held out his hands to be handcuffed. Even though Kovhanych disagreed that he was speeding, he insisted on being taken to the police station. According ot the judge, it would be easier to prove the illegality of police officers’ actions there.
While this case was considered by the Second Disciplinary Chamber of the High Council of Justice, reporting member Maselko proposed to apply the sanction in the form of a dismissal. However, most members of the Disciplinary Chamber (Salikhov, Burlakov) voted against bringing the judge to disciplinary liability at all. Only HCJ member Kovbii put forward a dissenting vote.
This decision is yet another example of a cover-up for a judge who demonstrates clearly unscrupulous behavior and tries to use his status to pressure the police, and then tried to leave the place of the incident altogether, expecting that the patrol officers would not want to get in trouble by pursuing a judge.
By considering this case, the High Council of Justice had the opportunity to send an important signal to society and judges that judges are members of society, equal before the law, and use judicial guarantees and their status only to exercise the right of everyone to access justice, and not for their own benefit. Sadly, this is not what happened.