The HCJ Denies the Right of the Public to Criticize Judges

The High Council of Justice tries to obstruct activists and civil society in their fair criticism of judges.

If there is an issue that the HCJ can always consider quickly and without delay, it is, for instance, its decision to recognize the evaluative posts of Anti-Corruption Action Center and activist Vitalii Shabunin on social media as pressure on High Anti-Corruption Court judge Tkachenko.

Disregarding everyone’s right to freedom of speech, the HCJ recognized the post to be interference with justice for the following line: “At AntAC, we look forward to seeing the judge’s motivation. But if these motives are made-up or unfounded, this means that such judges should not be part of the HACC.”

The HCJ essentially claimed that citizens do not have the right to criticize judges and their decisions at the risk of criminal liability, which hardly helps with building trust to judges.

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